It's Robert Carlyle's birthday today (April14th) -Watch this short film for a flavour of all things Scottish! - Johnnie Walker: The Man Who Walked Around The World

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It's Robert Carlyle's birthday today (April14th) -Watch this short film for a flavour of all things Scottish! - Johnnie Walker: The Man Who Walked Around The World

Robert Carlyle (Trainspotting and the Full Monty) gives a forthright Glaswegian monologue about the story of Johnnie Walker blended whiskey....the poor old bag-piper gets a poor reception!

This brilliant film was shot at Inverlochlarig, at the head of Loch Doine, quite near Balquhidder Mhor (see map below).

Robert Carlye did this in one take....which is amazing, particularly considering that the Scottish midge was lively at the time.

The timing is impeccable...even for the Highland coo!

It's 6 mins.....but worth every second.....just at the end you then get a shot down the valley towards Loch Doine, Loch Voil and Balquhidder Mhor beyond.

Slàinte mhor!

Inverlochlarig to Ba...

Keep Walking!


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