A fiesta of Foxgloves around Balquhidder Mhor Lodges

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So after our Bluebells in May, we now have a fiesta of Foxgloves along the paths and walks around Balquhidder Mhor Lodges...what a beautiful sight to enjoy this summer. Did you know they are used to create a drug to treat heart disease...but don't eat them...they are poisonous!

About Foxgloves

Foxgloves are found throughout most of the British Isles, on heaths and scrubland and in woodland, especially in areas with acid soils. They begin to flower in May with further blooms appearing continually higher up the stem until September when they reach full height. All of the flowers grow on one side of the stem (up to 80 on each plant). They spread by means of tiny seeds which are scattered by the wind and also by creeping stems. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous but it is also the source of one of our most useful medicinal drugs - digitalin - which is used in the treatment of heart disease

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