Pine Martens at Balquhidder Mhor Lodges

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Pine Martens at Balquhidder Mhor Lodges

One of our guests had an amazing experience when they set up a remote camera aimed at the bird box at the rear of the Balquhidder Mhor Soghail Lodge. Enticed with a special treat, the Pine Marten arrived at about 3.00am and were captured on film. Watch out for one him falling off the tree on the video!


The Pine Martens are a welcome guests in the Trossachs as it's now know that where you find Pine Martens, you also find the Red Squirrel. The Pine Martens keep the Grey Squirrel population at bay, allowing the Red Squirrel to flourish. The Grey Squirrels are more of a ground feeder that the Reds, and are therefore easier prey for the Pine Marten.

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