New Bridge Over Bracklinn Falls near Balqhidder Mhor Lodges

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There is a fantastic walk above Callander which takes you over the Bracklinn waterfalls. Completing the 3.5 mile circuit has not been possible recently as the powerful waterfalls kept washing away the bridge. The £110k bridge erected in 20210 only lasted 6 years. The new steel bridge should stand the test of time!

The old bridge (see pictures) had a wooden peaked structure. The new bridge is a bit more industrial, constructed of steel which is designed to weather over the ages.

A great mid-level walk just north of Callander through varied woodland to the Bracklinn bridge with views over the Bracklin Falls and gorge below. The path crosses back over the Keltie Water at a wide pool known as Scout Pool and returns to the car park by a minor road.

At a glance

  • Grading: moderate
  • Distance: 3 ½ miles (5.3 km)
  • Path type: well-compacted path with some loose materials
  • Allow 2 – 2 ½ hours

You can download the route map here: Route map for Bracklinn Falls

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