Archive by category: Lodge NewsReturn
A Romantic Week at Balquhidder Mhor Lodge
Congratulations to Liam and Daria - newly engaged at Balquhidder Mhor Lodge this week! All the very best for the future......Liam......you're a romantic.....thanks for sharing these memories
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
What the spiders are up to whilst you're asleep!
Following a heavy dew, an early morning stroll around Balquhidder Mhor Lodge revealed what the spiders get up to on the hillside....check out these photos!
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
Glorious temperature inversion at Balquhidder Mhor Lodge
As the Indian summer continues, we have been treated to some spectacular temperature inversions at Balquhidder Mhor Lodge. Here are a few early morning pictures taken from the decking....
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
Bumble Bees at Balquhidder
The Indian summer we've enjoyed has certainly put the bees into overdrive. Walking around the paths a Balquhidder Mhor Lodge, you could see literally hundreds of bees gorging on the nectar of the purple thistle plants. Here's a gallery of the best shots we took...it's looking promising for the honey!
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
Enjoy a Blackite Gin Cocktail as Autumn approaches!
Strolling around Balquhidder Mhor Lodge at the moment, Blackites (aka blackberries if you don't hail from Cumbria!) are in abundance, ready to be picked right off the bush. Here's a great idea if you can only manage to pick a few of them....try our recipe for a Blackite Gin Cocktail....
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
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