Archive by category: Trossachs NewsReturn
Wild Water Swimming in Loch Earn
Just five minutes drive from Balquhidder Mhor Lodges is Loch Earn. Great for water sports and also wild water swimming. The Loch can be accessed from the south shore road, a beautiful winding road, where you can also access the start of the climb for the Munro Ben Vorlich, or from the A82 through Lochearnhead. Some of our recent guests fancied a quick dip and pulled up in a layby of the A82
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
World Famous Shark Toilet near Balquhidder Mhor Lodges
We have a new attraction near the lodges at The Golden Larches Café, their "World Famous Shark Toilet", and it's not for the faint hearted if you want to spend a penny..... but we can certainly recommend their fare! Check out the photos, can you spot the aquatic cat? @thegoldenlarches
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
It's Robert Carlyle's birthday today (April14th) -Watch this short film for a flavour of all things Scottish! - Johnnie Walker: The Man Who Walked Around The World
Robert Carlyle (Trainspotting and the Full Monty) gives a forthright Glaswegian monologue about the story of Johnnie Walker blended whiskey....the poor old bag-piper gets a poor reception! This brilliant film was shot at Inverlochlarig, at the head of Loch Doine, quite near to Balquhidder Mhor Lodges
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
Run Mhor Events
Monachyle Mhor and Mhor 84 are running their regular "fun" and "serious" run events again this spring and summer. Generally starting at Mhor 84 just a mile down the Route 7 cycle path from Balquhidder Mhor Lodges....where you can rest your weary feet in the hot tub :)
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| Categories: Lodge News, Trossachs News
Ben A'an - probably the most rewarding short hill walk in the Trossachs
Ben A'an is only a 30 minute drive from Balquhidder Mhor Lodges and is a great hill walk for families. This small mountain stands at 1491 feet tall, and it's exposed pointed summit gives a great 360 degree view of the Trossachs over Loch Katerine, Loch Achray and towards Ben Lomond
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| Categories: Trossachs News, Walks
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